My Not So 3rd year Blog Anniversary:
I’ve been running my travel blog for three years now and honestly over the past year I didn’t create one blog post. I told myself there was a million reasons for this. Experiencing a career change and other personal issues with my children and my marriage. But honestly I just felt uninspired and was unwilling to sit down and type about experiences that didn’t make me feel good.
Although I continued traveling over the past year, it wasn’t until my recent trip to Antigua, W.I. that I felt inspired to start blogging again. I don’t know if it was the water, seeing family I hadn’t seen in years or just wanting to go in a different direction. I knew once I came home it was time to write again. What does this mean for my job, my family and my weight loss journey. It truly means learning to manage my time better than I had before. It means getting back into an entrepreneur mindset. Focusing on long term goals that will take my blog, business and brand to another level.

Where I’ve Been This Year:
Over the past year my travel experiences have taken me to Washington, D.C., Finland and Sweden and Antigua. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to see the world. Although the trip to D.C. with family was good, it really took a lot out of me. I was uninspired about writing and just wanted to be with family. The trip to Finland and Sweden in May was heaven sent. I started feeling a the urge to start writing again, still not enough to plan and put my ideas down. But I still recorded and collected content to share on the blog, so over the next few months, I’ll be posting about those experiences, good, bad and ugly.

Where the Blog is Heading:
The blog is heading in an exciting direction and I’m looking forward to every part of this journey. I realized after my trip to Antigua that my followers on social media were looking forward to getting updates from me. After looking at my blog stats, I decided to make changes to my blog. I ensured my domain and account information was up-to-date. If I was going to be paying good money to maintain my blog, I might as well give the blog 100% of my time and share my travel experiences.
I’m looking forward to creating more content, including videos and reviews. As the type of traveler who relies heavily on reviews and referrals, I feel my audience can benefit from my honest opinions. Stay tuned for more experiences and locations. Follow me on social media for posts and stories weekly.

It’s always difficult leaving paradise behind but hard work pays off and I know for sure I’ll be back soon.
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