Making the Best of Summer:
As we’re still experiencing a pandemic globally due to Covid-19 I’ve decided to make the best of the summer by doing things in my state of Connecticut. If you want to know how you can still enjoy your summer without travel this year? Continue reading for more.
Now what exactly is a stay-cation. A stay-cation is when you or your family stay home for a period of time and do activities that are only driving distance from your home. As our U.S. passports can only get us to limited locations these days it was best for our family to stay home this summer. Since we’re limiting our interactions with others and taking precautions by wearing masks when we go out, we’re able to enjoy what we have left of summer. Here are some things that we’re doing here in Connecticut.
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Running Around the Splash Pad:

Looking to cool down during the heatwave, a trip to the splash pad will do you good. I was hesitant at first to visit the splash pad where I live for a long time. I was worried about how my children would react to wearing a mask. But actually it’s a great way to cool down on a hot summer day. The key is to be mindful of the time you go so you can bypass the crowds.
Having a Picnic in the Park:

Grab your picnic baskets. There’s nothing that says summer like a picnic in the park with your favorite treats and people. Pack some sandwiches, cakes or even a fruit salad. I’m a fan of cheese boards at my picnics, filled with all the basics. Assorted cheeses, nuts and fruits accompanied by a nice white wine. Find a nice shaded spot and create the perfect atmosphere. Looking for a nice blanket to lay all your goodies on, the blanket below is durable, large and perfect for your next picnic.

Taking a walk on the Beach:

Anyone who knows me knows I am not a fan of the beaches in Connecticut when it comes to swimming. If you’ve been to the Caribbean you know what I mean, nothing compares no matter what people say. What I do enjoy is walking along the seashore in Connecticut. As long as it’s high tide you can enjoy the scenery and the beauty of your surroundings listing to the waves go in and out. If you’re near a lighthouse it’s always a good idea to find out if it’s open. This allows you to explore something new while at the beach.
Visiting the Lavender Farm:

In love with lavender like I am. Check out the lavender farms near you. In Connecticut we have the Lavender Pond Farm which is located in Killingworth. The farm offers a lot of activities including a wagon ride and a gift shop. If you just want to go there for a walk and enjoy the beauty of being surrounded by lavender it’s worth a visit.
Enjoying a Drive-In Movie:

Are you missing those weekend movie date nights, they can be had again but with even more nostalgia when you go to a drive-in movie. In Connecticut we don’t have many, but a good one to visit is the Mansfield Drive-In. Interested in visiting check out the link below for ticket information and movie times.
Now get out of the house and enjoy that stay-cation, while the weather is still beautiful.
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