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Β Weekend Travel Bag: Packing Tips and Tricks!

With so many ways to pack for a weekend getaway, I’m the girl who makes it my business to always travel light. I know this might not be for everyone, but if your looking for some tips and tricks to packing light you’ve come to the right place.

The canvas bag I use for most of my trips was actually purchased aboard the Silja Line Ferry on my way from Helsinki, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden.

Image result for silja line helsinki

With several shops selling bags, liquor, key chains and T-Shirts, one of my colleagues suggested I purchase the canvas bag. She raved about it after purchasing one earlier in the day, realizing how much room it.

My bag! (Budget-friendly Weekend Bag)

RuMe Expandable Carry-All Bag

Packing Techniques:

Packing for a family of three might seem like a major task when you decide to use ONE bag; but there truly is a method to my madness when it comes to traveling and packing. We took the train to D.C. so traveling with my children alone with my husband needed to be stress-free and relaxed. We anticipated lots of walking so having them carry their clothes in backpacks wasn’t an option for me. One bag also mean’t we could still visit museums and sites after we checked out of our hotel, hours before taking our train back home.

Step 1:

We packed swimwear, underwear, (3) tops and (3) bottoms for each of us. Also included was a toiletries bag with toothbrushes, lotions, deodorant and body wash.

Step 2:

Each persons set of clothing was laid flat and rolled. The underwear, pajamas and swimwear items were also laid flat and rolled.

Step 3:

Each persons items were rolled. Including our clothes (me, my son and daughter) our underwear, our swimwear for the pool and pajamas.

Step 4:

Each group of rolled clothing was laid into the bottom of the bag with the toiletries bag tucked into the side. I also tucked my GoPro equipment into the bag. Each day we stuffed our dirty clothes into plastic bags and on the last day lined the canvas bag with those plastic bags and rolled the dirty clothing tightly into the canvas bag before checking out of the hotel.

And just like that we traveled to Washington, D.C. with one bag packed for three people!

Happy Travels!

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  1. This is great, what a dream to move about kids without all the drama of necessary stuff! Especially when you pass the diapers and bottles stage, this kind of freedom is quite liberating πŸ™‚ Cheers to traveling with littles, we do this as well!

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