Personal Growth Comes From Within!

Looking within and focusing on who I am from the inside and out, I believe it’s the right time for me to get real with myself and everyone around me. For a long time I would beat myself up for not completing my PhD. For a long time I ignored the fact that I failed my Comprehensive Exam, I didn’t want to think about it or focus on moving forward. With the balance I owe my school, I have been able to forget (Yea Right!) about retaking the exam, because evidently I must pay the balance before I retake the exam. It’s all good though, because now I actually have time to take a break and think about things outside of school. I’ve been in school for the past 13 years which seems like a lifetime. Honestly, I haven’t been able to focus on anything outside of work, school and my children for years. Things have now changed, allowing me time for personal growth, time to be with my husband and time to be a better, more engaged mother.
On my journey to personal growth I think about who I see when I look in the mirror. My confidence has increased over the years, leading me on a path to chase my dreams and innovate in ways that benefit others. I’ve been able to inspire and motivate others in my life to be successful personally and professionally. I believe the road to personal growth begins with a vision, speaking with purpose and motivating others. As I make some important changes in my life in the next coming year, I’m inspired to do things I’ve put off for a long time, like investing in myself. Being conscious of my health and emotional well-being. Creating challenges for myself and overcoming them. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, good and bad. Sharing my successes and the failures, in the hopes of inspiring more women to invest in themselves and their future. Investing in yourself when you’re a wife and mother doesn’t mean your neglecting your family, but prioritizing what’s important and setting boundaries that benefit the entire family.
I’ve realized my blog has become more than just a place to highlight my adventures, but a place to explore who I am and how travel has changed me. It’s important to open yourself up to new experiences, languages, food and people, for me I’ve discovered so much about myself while seeing the world. I’m on a journey to self-investment. In life it’s important to never forget the little things, and I think sometimes we all get caught up in “keeping up with the Jones”, I’ve been guilty, I won’t even lie. But on my journey to personal growth I’ve discovered it’s more important to invest in experiences and the people you love than to invest in material things.