I’ve always loved gardening and having indoor plants, but never really had a green thumb. Every plant I had would die, unfortunately. During the 2020 lockdown after bringing home my one surviving plant from my office at work, I decided it needed a partner. Sadly, this partner soon began to wither away. As I couldn’t get to Ikea for another plant. I checked around the internet to see what could be done to save my pathos. Here is my journey to propagating and why I recommend it if you are new to indoor plants.
Hesitant Plant Mom:
I’ve had my peace lily for long enough now that I feel I’ve been successful in keeping it alive for several years. I was hesitant to get a new house plant because I didn’t know how it would turn out. But I took a chance and felt with all the chaos that was happening around me, maybe my house plant would give me a sense of calm. This did not turn out as I’d thought because within weeks the pathos was dying. I tried to find a way to keep it alive but nothing worked. I then learned about propagating on Instagram.

Propagating in Water:
Propagating can be done in water, it could also be done in soil. I decided to propagate my pathos in water. I’ve tried propagating in soil several times in the past and none have been successful. I’ve decided to go with what has given me continued results. If you’re interested in propagating and bringing your favorite plant back to life I encourage you to propagate in water. Once the roots have grown long enough, about 3 to 4 inches, place your plants in soil and watch them continue to grow.

Watching them Bloom:
I’ve watched my plants bloom over the past two years and still can’t believe I was able to turn a dying plant into three fully blooming pots of pathos plants. I was able to learn something new about horticulture along the way and this continues to drive me learn more about indoor plants. With this new found knowledge I’ve been able to teach my children the importance of indoor plants and how to care for them.

My Pathos Just Keeps Growing:
After finding my feet with my newfound green thumb, I’ve learned a lot about indoor plants and have gained some confidence being able to care for my plants. I went from two house plants, barely surviving to having an office filled with a variety of plants. I’m still not ready to take my gardening outdoors just yet. For now I’ll just enjoy watching all of my pathos plants continuing to grow. I’ve found several websites that have helped to cure me of my plant obsessions, including https://planterina.com/. If you’ve found yourself post-lockdown looking for more exotic plants along with education and resources related to plants try the Planterina Instagram page.

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[…] Want to learn more about how I care for my indoor plants, check out the link here Propagating Pathos. […]