Season 2 Episode 10 Description
This week for season 2 episode 10 I talk about my experience working as an English language teacher online. What is TEFL you ask? Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Over the past year I worked as a TEFL teacher online. In this episode I share a variety of my experiences, from connecting with new students around the world to being in my new comfort zone teaching online. Keep listening to hear more about my experience.
Are you a teacher interested in teaching abroad? Check out my new book Loves Teaching, Will Travel: Inspiration to Teach from Anywhere that covers this very topic and more:
My TEFL Experience After 1 Year!
After completing an extensive training for (TEFL) Teaching English as a Foreign Language with Bridge Education Group I decided to find teaching opportunities online that would work around my full-time work schedule. Applying to a variety of platforms, I decided to change course by working with a tutoring platform called Cambly. There are several other platforms out there from Preply to iTalki, but Cambly seemed like the best route at the time. In Season 2 Episode 10, I talk about my experiences on this platform and the people I’ve met in the process. From students living in Brazil to students in Turkey. Connecting with people around the world has been the best part of my experience teaching online. A big downside of teaching online with Cambly has been the salary. But with a full-time work schedule I was able to manage building my teaching experience without going broke.
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There’s More….
Liked what you heard in this episode of season 2 episode 10? Interested in more travel content? Click the link Planning a Trip to Spain. I’ve also created a designated space on my website for topics relating to teaching abroad, click the link here for more articles including, Education Tourism and Teaching Abroad.
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