This week for season 3 episode 4 I sit down with Melissa of Millennial in Debt aka the Beyoncé of personal finance. If you’re asking yourself why is a personal finance professional on a podcast for educators. Who could blame you. But here’s the kicker, Melissa started her professional journey as an educator in New York City. She seemed like the perfect person to speak to those of you still on the fence about remaining in your teaching careers.
Melissa gives us wonderful insight on her journey transitioning from educator to tech maven, now entrepreneur. Providing some great tips on how too could make the transition.
So, if you’re not sure where to start when it comes to transitioning out of your teaching career, this episode is for you.
Thinking about why I continue to do what I do here with this podcast, I’m even more inspired to share my story and the story of others. Are you a teacher interested in teaching abroad? Reading my new book Loves Teaching, Will Travel: Inspiration to Teach from Anywhere covers this very topic and more:
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Other episodes you might be interested in!
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Knowing Your “Why” -Episode 2
Reassessing “My Why” -Season 3 Episode 1
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There’s More….
Liked what you heard in this episode of season 3 episode 4? Interested in more travel content? Click the link Planning a Trip to Spain. I’ve also created a designated space on my website for topics relating to teaching abroad, click the link here for more articles including, Education Tourism and Teaching Abroad.
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