The eagle above truly shows how I feel my life plans have transformed in 2020. It’s now day 18 of quarantine due to Covid-19 and I only have gone from feeling defeated to feeling grateful. But let’s talk about the amazing plans I had or thought I had before 2020 began.
A Year For Travel
This year was supposed to be my year. 2020 was the year I was going to visit China with work. Spend two weeks exploring schools and visiting cultural sites including the Great Wall. I also had several personal trips planned including London and Barcelona and Antigua.
The China trip quickly went from something I anticipated coming up in June to weeks and weeks of talks with faculty at work. All with the intention of deciding whether we were going to change locations, re-book to next year or just cancel all together. After cases started coming out of Wuhan with thousands dead, it became very clear something was happening around the world that was dangerous, but it didn’t become real even at that moment. As late as the first weeks of February. Things still seemed so far removed from us here in the U.S.
March came and I was so excited for my trip to London and Barcelona for Spring Break. That excitement quickly went to anxiety trying to reach the airline a week before my trip to determine if I would be able to re-book or would lose my money. The airline went from wanting to charge me over $900 to me re-booking my trip 5 days before my trip for $120. By then the World Health Organization had declared Covid-19 a pandemic and I knew then shit was getting real. Several individuals I had connections with in Barcelona were saying “Stay home”. “Things are not looking good here”. I was afraid for them, but also nervous about what things would be like once the virus started to spread here in the U.S.
Life seemed to change overnight, but we’re still here. Still healthy and staying home.
What Life is Like Now
Being home can be stressful, I won’t lie. Teaching my own classes, teaching my children, cooking and cleaning none stop throughout the day can make you feel like the day is endless. But what I’ve come to appreciate is the time I’ve had with my children. It’s a privilege to even be home with them and not have to worry about income or where our next meal is going to come from. We’ve also used social media as a way to entertain ourselves. Using Ticktock and Instagram to connect with friends.
I’ve made meals with my children and tried recipes I never thought I’d even make in my life, like lasagna and stuffed shells. My extensions are gone, my gel nail polish is now non-existent and I’ve been able to walk around my house is pajamas for hours with no care for what I have to wear for the day. I have to confess, it gives me a sense of calm. Especially considering everything that is happening outside the sanctuary I call home.

What’s Next?
In such a scary time, none of us know what tomorrow holds. My goal right now is to keep my children safe. We have been doing well quarantining ourselves at home, limiting contact with people. I’m the only one who goes out to get groceries. My husband is home from work, I am telecommuting to teach my college courses and the children have been completing their school work online through Google Classroom.
All I can say is stay home and stay safe. Follow the advice of professionals and seek out websites such as the World Health Organization for up-to-date information.
[…] but never really had a green thumb. Every plant I had would die, unfortunately. During the 2020 lockdown after bringing home my one surviving plant from my office at work, I decided it needed a partner. […]