I’m not a full-time traveler, so the majority of the time I’m home in Connecticut. When I’m not traveling my life consists of work, my family, friends and my hobbies. I’ve been fortunate to have a job that gives me the opportunity to travel so when I’m not taking my own personal trips, I’m traveling for work. I also spend a lot of time with family when I’m not traveling. This means caring for my children and most certainly making sure they’re not annoying each other. Which is usually all the time. I also love cooking, baking, enjoying the gym and going swimming with my children. This is just a taste of my life when I’m not traveling, continue reading for more.
Traveling and My Teaching Career:
I’ve been fortunate to find a teaching job that gives me the flexibility to travel. Although I teach five to six classes a semester I get a lot of opportunities to take 3-day and 4-day weekend trips. As a full-time professor, I get a month off in the winter and two and a half months off in the summer. So when I really look at my calendar, I truly have a lot of time to travel. But I also have to keep in mind I have school-aged children and my husband works full-time, so scheduling vacations requires a lot of effort and coordinating.
When Traveling and Work Go Together:
Being able to have a job that give you the opportunity to travel is one of the best jobs for people who love to travel. Again, I’ve been fortunate to have a job where most of my department loves to travel. It’s now ingrained in our degree program to connect with education programs in other countries. With these opportunities we’ve gone to Finland and Sweden twice, these are trips I’ve been a part of. But as a program we’ve also made connections with education programs in China and South Africa. Outside of being a full-time traveler or relocating abroad, I don’t know many employment opportunities that enables you to take at least one trip a year (paid on all accounts).
Home is Where the Heart Is:
Home is most certainly where the heart is. With my two children and husband my life is busy and always on the go. It’s also important sometimes to take things slow and just have family movie night or game night. This is especially fun when trying to beat my son at Jenga or watching Avengers for the 5,000th time. I love to cook and bake not only for my own household but for family and friends. So when I’m not traveling, I’m making cakes or tarts or something delicious that I shouldn’t even be eating. There are also opportunities to do things like cooking classes or bowling.
Travel Plans for 2020
Travel plans for 2020 will bring me back to some of the amazing places I’ve visited in the past, including Mallorca, Spain. But 2020 will also bring many opportunities for new experiences and countries to explore. My goal is to visit at least one location (State or Country) a month. With this my goal is to be more intentional with the places I want to see and the people I want to interact with. For more instant posts on what I’m doing whether I’m traveling or at home, follow my account on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/always_travel_light/
Here’s to 2020 and new adventures to come.
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[…] there are a lot of things I enjoy doing, like spending time with my children and attending cooking classes in my home-state. Scheduling a day to come in and cook with the Fig Cooking School requires […]