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Avoid Fines:

It’s really easy to get fined in Italy when taking public transportation. I’m back from Italy with the 411. And I’m ready to help by giving you some amazing tips for avoiding fines. Nothing ruins a family vacation quicker than shelling out $50 per person for a fine.

Validating your Ticket Every Time you Ride!

You’ll see these all over the train station. Whether you buy tickets online at TrenItalia or get your ticket at the train station. Do not get on your train without sticking your ticket in one of these. Mark my word if you get on the train and the conductor comes around and you have your ticket, but it’s not validated you will have to pay a fine. And don’t be fooled when you ride the train and you don’t encounter a conductor. They show up eventually if you are on a long ride. On a short ride you might get on and off without seeing someone but don’t get comfortable, you never know when one might show up out of nowhere.

Don’t be Caught Off Guard!

When it comes to taking the bus the stakes get even higher. If you go to Florence and you don’t get the Firenze pass be prepared to either buy your ticket in the little stores in the train station. You also have the option to buy your ticket on the bus. But do this very quickly and with exact change.  If not, be prepared to pay the price with a hefty fine.

Learn from my Experience!

Getting on the bus to head up to Piazzale Michelangelo I got on the bus without a ticket. Asking the driver for a ticket while on the bus was like pulling teeth, he kept telling me to wait. Once I did get the ticket a young lady on the bus said to validate it quickly and I did. Within a minute or two a man comes up to me and says “ticket?” I show it to him, but where did he come from so fast. Without realizing it when the bus made a stop about two stops after I had got on the bus, two gentlemen in uniforms got on the bus.

Apparently the bus drivers in Italy don’t check tickets, the bus company has separate people that get on the bus and make checks from time to time. They don’t stay on the entire ride, they go from bus to bus.

What I do remember vividly was the family behind me not being able to get a ticket fast enough before being approached by the men asking for their tickets. They hit a double strike out by not only being on the bus with a validated ticket. And being on the bus without any ticket at all. They were being asked for their passports, as the ticket checker was telling them they would be charged a $50 fine per family member. Who has $200 to drop right there.

It’s hard not to feel terrible for them, please don’t end up like this family. Take my advice and be mindful of how you get around in Italy. If you haven’t planned your trip yet save my Pin below for later.


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